Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Add Maths (Parabola)



The parabola is a conic section, the intersection of a right circular conical surface and a plane parallel to a generating straight line of that surface. The focus and a corresponding on the plane, the locus of points in that plane that are equidistant from them is a parabola. The parabola can be applied in many areas, from automobile headlight reflectors to the design of missiles. It was studied by Menaechmus, a Greek mathematician. They are frequently used in physics and engineering.

How does the satellite dish works?

In satellite dishes, the dish on the receiving end has to be in a parabolic shape because if it isn’t, it can't transmit information; it can only receive it.
The receiving dish works in the exact opposite way of the transmitter. When a beam hits the curved dish, the parabola shape reflects the radio signal inward onto a particular point, just like a concave mirror focuses light onto a particular point.
Types of Parabolic antennas

There are three types of parabolic antennas. They are: Parabolic, Off-Center and Cassegrain.
Service providers in Jakarta using parabola
These are some of Jakarta's famous service providers:
·      Biznet
·      Circle One
·      PROnet
·      Indosat
·      CBN
·      Wasantara

Their monthly subscribers:
Circle One


We now understand:
·      Satellite dishes are parabolic in shape
·      There are three types of parabolic antennas
·      The whereabouts of Parabola.
We also did not realize that:
·      Parabola can be applied in our everyday lives;
·      We can use it for communicating with each other
·      The parabola theory can be applied in making things like headlight reflectors and missiles
·      Parabola can be used in Physics and engineering.

Biblography: Wikipedia.com

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